“WARM HANDS” was the theme of the “Primary Teacher” of HCMC University of Education, which took place on October 10 and 11 at Binh An Center.
Due to the dedicated guidance of the ‘future teachers’, children not only know how to use a pen to write the letters beautifully and correctly but also they can identify and become familiar with the standard alphabet.
Children can practice basic words such as writing the tone marks in Vietnamese: acute accent, grave accent, circumflex accent, etc… so that they can improve writing each letter.
With the motto “play-based learning”, they also combine fun activities through the modules for children so that children feel happier to learn and absorb knowledge easily through these lessons.
On the last day of the session, they were awarded 250 gifts such as school supplies, books, and confectionery.
Even though the project only took place for 2 days, however, they had an abundance of love, hope, and wish always “KEEP WARM LOVE; to other children.
Friends For Street Children ( FFSC) would like to give thanks to you for your love, and nurturing hope for disadvantaged children. We wish you are always healthy and full of passion in the career of planting people